Showing 81–96 of 97 results
Sakanjabeen Masala Mix (100% Natural)
₨340.00Net weight: 100gm
Refreshing and digestive Drink
Beat the heat with the cool glass of Sakanjbeen
Make your summer refreshing and momentous with Rai Sakanjbeen Masala. It makes your summer times happy and memorable with this refreshment. Mix this masala in cold water or soda and enjoy the season with every refreshing this summer you can beat the heat with the cool glass of Sakanjbeen.- Vegan
- No preservatives
- Cruelty free
- Slow ground
Sandalwood Powder 20GM
₨999.00Who does not face the anguish of skin ailments? Every once in a while we all share the same skin problems; acne, pimples, dark circles, blackheads, blemishes, pigmentation, dark skin you name it! Rai’s Sandalwood Powder is the answer to all your prayers. Net weight of this product is 20gm.
Sea Salt 200GM
₨299.00Rai’s Sea Salt holds no artificial streak in it. Rather it doesn’t even undergo any kind of processing. It benefits your health by strengthening your immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, is a remedy for diseases like diabetes, beautifies your skin and promotes healthy, magnificent hair. Net weight of this product is 200gm.
Senna Makki 50gm
₨290.00100% Natural
Sana Makki also known as Senna Leaves is a miraculous remedial herb. Senna Burg-e-Sana, Sana Makki, Cassia Angustifolia is an herb is known for its laxative properties. It is also known as wild senna, cassia marilandica and locust plant. The leaves of the senna plant are used in medicines and herbal supplements to treat constipation.
Sesame Seeds
₨290.00100% Natural
Sesame seeds are tiny, oil-rich seeds that grow in pods on the Sesamum indicum plant. Unhulled seeds have the outer, edible husk intact, while hulled seeds come without the husk. The hull gives the seeds a golden-brown hue. Hulled seeds have an off-white color but turn brown when roasted.
People use sesame oil in place of other cooking oils to treat high blood pressure. Sesame is sometimes used for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and many other conditions.
In foods, sesame oil is used as cooking oil and to make dressings and sauces. Sesame seeds are added to food for flavoring.
Net weight: 50gm
Shea Butter 100GM
₨1,290.00100% Natural
Shea butter is a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. It is usually ivory in color when raw, with more processed versions being white in color. It can be yellow when a root is added to it. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is a skin superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea (Karite) tree and that is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It offers UV protection (it is SPF ~6) and provides the skin with essential fatty acids and the nutrients necessary for collagen production.
Shea butter has been used in Africa and many other locations for years to improve skin and hair. It also has a long history of medicinal use, such as in wound care and even treating leprosy. Net weight of this product is 100gm.
Stevia 50GM
Stevia is a natural sweetener that comes from a shrub and substitute to sugar it is valued most for the sweet taste, which makes it capable of replacing sugar in a diet. Importantly, it also has a very low calorific count pushing it in the ‘no-calorie ‘ food zone. The most widely praised aspect of stevia for human health concerns is its ability to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. This is an ideal replacement for normal sugar for diabetics or people on carbohydrate controlled diets because they can eat sweet foods without having to worry about diabetic complications. Net weight of this product is 50gm.
Sumac 50gm
₨399.00Sumac is a reddish-purple berry found on wild bushes throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East. Sumac is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices out there.
Sunflower Seeds 100GM
₨359.00Rich in Vitamin B and E Sunflower seeds provide amazing benefits for health, hair, and skin. It serves as a perfect snack for those who follow a strict diet plan. Rai brings you Sunflower Seeds to provide you split ends free shiny hair without any side effects. Not only this, but it helps loosen up some fat from your body, and provides radiant skin. Net weight of this product is 100gm.
Super Seed Mix
₨540.00Rai’s Seed mix is combination of superfood. It contains chia, Pumpkin, flaxseed, sunflower sesame, black and pumpkin seeds. Making it not only delicious but a power-packed mixture of nutrients.
Ingredient: chia seeds, flaxseed, sunflower, sesame, black and pumpkin, fenugreek seeds
Net weight: 50gm
Tea Tree Oil
₨790.00Rai Natural’s Australian Tea Tree Oil is one of nature’s most impressive antiseptics, fungicide, anti-bacterial, and anti-infection.
Net Weight: 10ml
Thyme 50gm
₨290.00100% Natural
The herb Thyme is a popular flavoring for a wide variety of dishes in several different cuisines from around the world. A crucial ingredient in Mediterranean cooking, popular in soups and sauces.
Turmeric Powder 50GM
Turmeric is a spice that comes from the turmeric plant. It is commonly used in Asian food. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustard’s, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine. Net weight of this product is 50gm.
Wheat Bran Flour(Chokar Atta)
₨390.00You can use chokar daily. Mix 100 gm of chokar with one kg whole wheat flour. Have chapattis or bread daily made out of this mixture. Very soon you will realize the goodness of it. Chew well while eating. Take at least 15 minutes while eating two chapattis.
Wheat bran cannot be stored like regular wheat flour. It tends to get rancid and is best stored in the refrigerator, especially if one plans to store it for long. Alternately, it may be stored in a vacuum-sealed canister at a moderate temperature. If you note that the wheat bran tastes bitter, it is probably rancid, and should be discarded.